Regimen + Goals

My Hair Regimen: I moisturize and/or oil my hair daily. As needed (usually weekly) I cleanse my hair and scalp with a moisturizing shampoo (or a clarifying one if there's build up). I do a moisturizing OR protein treatment with every shampoo. I stretch my relaxers 3-4 months.

My go-to protective/low manipulation styles: buns, braid-outs and halfwigs. In 2012 I want to start experimenting with more heat-free styles. I air dry most of the time and flat iron for length checks only.

I'm currently midback length (MBL) and actively working towards reaching waist length by my graduation in mid-2012.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Hair Lazy and Loving it

My flat ironed hair held up pretty well overnight

Last night I Moisturized w/ Lacio Lacio leave-in conditioner, made a low ponytail, baggied the ends, then tied a satin scarf. This morning I took everything off and combed out my hair. It had that ponytail dent but it still had a lot of body and movement and the dent went away during the day.

All I did to my hair today was moisturize and baggy. Hair lazy and loving it.


  1. Your progress looks amazing! I'm lovin' it! Your start in comparison to now is just jaw-dropping. By December, I bet your overall progress will be phenomenal! :D

  2. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! I have become an avid reader and fan of your blog. We are currently the same length & share the same goal of MBL by August (:

    Quick question: Does baggying really work for your ends? I mean it must work if you've posted about it, but do you see significant results/a decrease in the number of split ends? I am trying to avoid split ends this time around, and my ends are always the first to feel rough/dry.

  3. Yay thanks tay. Good to meet a potential hair twin, I followed your blog :) As for splits, I don't usually have a problem with them. My problem is sometimes my ends snap crackle and pop lol for example after combing I'll sometimes see really short strands (breakage). Since I started baggying again I noticed less breakage. Not sure how it affected my splits though since I don't have a lot to begin with.


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